Home 酒店概況




  • 地址

  • 電話號碼

  • 傳真號碼

  • 住房 / 退房

    15:00 / 10:00
  • 位置

  • 付費方式

  • 信用卡

    JCB, AMEX, Diners, VISA, Master, 銀聯
Access from JR Sapporo Station(Via outdoor passage)
    • 1 Immediately after exiting the East Ticket Gate, turn right towards the south gate.
      Immediately after exiting the East Ticket Gate, turn right towards the south gate. Immediately after exiting the East Ticket Gate, turn right towards the south gate.
    • 2 Pass through the door of JR Sapporo station south gate and go outside facing the square in front of the station.
      Pass through the door of JR Sapporo station south gate and go outside facing the square in front of the station. Pass through the door of JR Sapporo station south gate and go outside facing the square in front of the station.
  • 3 Cross the street and go straight to the south, pass through the Pachinko Parlor HIMAWARI and Kani Honke(Crabs restaurant).
    • Cross the street and go straight to the south, pass through the Pachinko Parlor HIMAWARI and Kani Honke(Crabs restaurant). Cross the street and go straight to the south, pass through the Pachinko Parlor HIMAWARI and Kani Honke(Crabs restaurant).
    • Cross the street and go straight to the south, pass through the Pachinko Parlor HIMAWARI and Kani Honke(Crabs restaurant).
  • 4 Turn left at the corner of the Seven-Eleven and go straight to the east.
    • Turn left at the corner of the Seven-Eleven and go straight to the east. Turn left at the corner of the Seven-Eleven and go straight to the east.
    • Turn left at the corner of the Seven-Eleven and go straight to the east. Turn left at the corner of the Seven-Eleven and go straight to the east.
    • 5 You have now arrived at JR Inn Sapporo South!
      You did a great job in getting here!
      You have now arrived at JR Inn Sapporo South! You did a great job in getting here!
Access from JR Sapporo Station(Via underground passage)
Access from JR Sapporo Station(Via underground passage)
Access from JR Sapporo Station(Via underground passage) Access from JR Sapporo Station(Via underground passage)
  • 1 Immediately after exiting the East Ticket Gate, turn right towards south gate.
    Immediately after exiting the East Ticket Gate, turn right towards south gate. Immediately after exiting the East Ticket Gate, turn right towards south gate.
  • 2 Take an escalator to the first basement level of Subway TOHO line Sapooro Station.
    Take an escalator to the first basement level of Subway TOHO line Sapooro Station. Take an escalator to the first basement level of Subway TOHO line Sapooro Station.
  • 3 Turn left at the square towards JR tower east mall and go straight until the end of corridor.
    Turn left at the square towards JR tower east mall and go straight until the end of corridor. Turn left at the square towards JR tower east mall and go straight until the end of corridor.
  • 4 Walk through the Seven-Eleven, and turn right along a passage towards Subway TOHO line Sapporo Station.
    Walk through the Seven-Eleven, and turn right along a passage towards Subway TOHO line Sapporo Station.
  • 5 Take an secalator to the second basement level of Subway TOHO line Sapporo Station.
    Take an secalator to the second basement level of Subway TOHO line Sapporo Station. Take an secalator to the second basement level of Subway TOHO line Sapporo Station.
  • 6 Walk through a ticket vending machine area, go straight towards Subway TOHO line Sapporo Station.
    Walk through a ticket vending machine area, go straight towards Subway TOHO line Sapporo Station. Walk through a ticket vending machine area, go straight towards Subway TOHO line Sapporo Station.
  • 7 Walk through a ticket gate area on the left-hand side.
    (There is no need to enter the gate)
    Walk through a ticket gate area on the left-hand side.(There is no need to enter the gate) Walk through a ticket gate area on the left-hand side.(There is no need to enter the gate)
  • 8 Take an elevator of Exit No.23 (J.A. Hokuno bldg.) and go up to the ground.
    Walk through a ticket gate area on the left-hand side.(There is no need to enter the gate)
  • 9 Turn left and go straight to the south.
    Turn left and go straight to the south. Turn left and go straight to the south.
  • 10 Turn left at the corner of the Richmond Hotel.
    Turn left at the corner of the Richmond Hotel. Turn left at the corner of the Richmond Hotel.
  • 11 You have now arrived at JR Inn Sapporo South!
    You did a great job in getting here!
    You have now arrived at JR Inn Sapporo South! You did a great job in getting here!



10樓 客房總數204 間


1晚 1,500日圓


1樓 櫃檯, 電腦, 公用電話, 洗手間(男/女/無障礙), 吸煙區,枕頭專區 地下一樓 休息室,自動販賣機(啤酒,清凉饮料), 製冰機, 微波爐, 投幣式洗衣機, 大浴場 2樓~10樓 客房




請務必體驗JR INN札幌車站南口為客人貼心安排的『舒適的早晨』
* 全客房採用高級名牌席夢思製的筒型袋裝彈簧(獨立筒)床墊. * JRINN與枕頭公司LOFTY共同開發獨創的枕頭. * 在可挑選枕頭的專區,您可以從21種枕頭之中挑選喜歡的枕頭. * 在住宿者專用休息區,備有免費咖啡和約500冊的書籍. * 大眾風呂(分男女)擁有寬敞舒適的空間 早餐 * 鄰接一樓的「YAYOI軒」備有和洋共4種類且使用北海道食材的套餐可選. * 提供早餐的時間為 6:00到10:00. (最後點餐時間到9:30) 服務 * 自動辦理住房機,快速簡便又省時. * 離開酒店時只要將房間鑰匙繳還櫃檯即可,無須繁雜退房手續.



  • 單人房

    96間(吸菸20間 / 禁煙76間)
    16m² 16平方公尺 * 可供兩位旅客入住
  • 雙床房

    90間(吸菸20間 / 禁煙70間)
    20m² 20平方公尺
  • 雙人床房(一大床)

    9間(吸菸2間 / 禁煙7間)
    17m² 17平方公尺
  • 豪華 Twin Rooms

    8間(吸菸2間 / 禁煙6間)
    31m² 31平方公尺 * 可供3人用
  • 無障礙客房

    31m² 31平方公尺
  • 單人房

    寬140cm / 長195cm
  • 雙床房

    寬110cm / 長195cm
  • 雙人床房(一大床)

    寬160cm / 長195cm
  • 豪華 Twin Rooms

    寬120cm / 長195cm
  • 無障礙客房

    寬110cm / 長195cm


室内設備 電視(一般電視:免費/收費節目:一晚1,000日圓),冰箱,電熱水器,行動電話充電器,加濕空氣清靜機,自動沖洗式馬桶,網路的連接(LAN/Wifi),桌子和檯燈(部分客房),個別空調 供應物品 洗髮精,潤絲精,沐浴乳,洗面奶,牙刷,刮鬍刀,梳子 其他 免洗紙拖鞋,睡袍,負離子吹風機


請於酒店櫃檯索取. 租借物品 梳子吹風機,冰枕,輪椅,褲線熱壓機,熨斗,燙衣板,指甲剪,縫紉包,開瓶器,軟木塞拔


* 櫃檯服務人員24小時待命中. * 深夜十二點後正面玄關大門將上鎖. * 持有房間卡的旅客請自行刷卡進入. * 未攜帶房間卡之旅客請按對講機呼叫櫃檯服務人員. * 出門時請務必攜帶房間卡.